PAMM system

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PAMM system
What is the PAMM contact information which I should enter after the registration with the PAMM system and what is it for?

This information will be available for your investment contractors. When you accept an investment request, this information becomes visible for you and vice versa. It establishes the communication between the system users as the company is only a technical intermediary giving the guarantee of money refund and trader's share calculation without interference in other issues between a trader and investor.

What account currency is required for registering with the PAMM system?

Only US dollar accounts can be registered with InstaForex PAMM system. If you do not have a US dollar account, you can open it online on the company's website.

I am a PAMM trader and I have accepted the investment request. What does the Waiting for Synchronization status mean?

The Waiting for Synchronization status means that your investment will be processed as soon as possible. All investment requests are processed once an hour.

I am a PAMM trader. Why did not my balance increase after I accepted a new investment?

After you click "Accept investment", the investment status changes to "Waiting for synchronization", which means that it is necessary to wait for a while until the investment reaches the account. In case there are other investments waiting for synchronization, they will be added to the account simultaneously.

Can you guarantee that a PAMM trader will not lose my money?

InstaForex PAMM system does not guarantee that the managing trader will take profit. It is meant for ensuring the technical coordination between traders and investors, which includes monitoring of PAMM accounts, money acceptance and refund. Therefore, the system guarantees your funds protection, so they will not be withdrawn by the PAMM trader. Moreover, the system ensures that you can withdraw your investment from the PAMM trader's account at a short notice within 30-60 minutes after requesting (depending on the synchronization).

Can a PAMM trader withdraw my invested funds?

InstaForex PAMM system protects investors against the risk of funds withdrawal by a PAMM trader. A PAMM trader can withdraw only his share of PAMM account not involved in trading.

Is it possible that a refund request of an investor can cause the stop out on a PAMM trader account?

If the investors share in the account is over 90% and there are a few of them or only one investor, then it is possible. But the PAMM system allows accepting investments from hundreds of PAMM traders and keep funds from hundreds of investors on one trading account, so the possibility of simultaneous withdrawal is very low and inversely proportionate to the number of investors.

Can I register an affiliate account with the PAMM system?

Yes, you can register an affiliate account with the PAMM system, but this service is available only for PAMM investors and PAMM partners.

Where can I see the current profit that I can withdraw from the PAMM trader account?

Choose PAMM system in Client Cabinet and click "My Investments". Please note that investor can withdraw only the TOTAL investment amount. If you plan to withdraw parts of the investment, you should invest different amounts to be able to withdraw them separately.

Is the SMS notification service about new investment requests free for a PAMM trader?

Yes, the service is free, but there is a limit of 10 SMS per 24 hours for one account.

Can a PAMM investor receive an affiliate commission from the PAMM trader registered with his affiliate account?

At present there are no restrictions on receiving affiliate commissions from PAMM accounts. Nevertheless, such affiliate accounts is subject to the basic rules of InstaForex affiliate program.

I am a PAMM trader, can I change a commission rate for my investors?

You set a commission rate at registering with the PAMM system. It can be changed at any time in PAMM Cabinet but will be effective only for new investments. Besides, you can create sets of conditions, so a PAMM investor can choose the conditions of investing in your PAMM account he likes best.

I am a PAMM investor, and I have sent an investment request to a PAMM trader. He has not accepted or declined it. What is the validity of the investment request, and when will the investment be credited back to my trading account?

If the PAMM trader is inactive during 72 hours after receiving an investment request, the investment will be refunded to your PAMM investor account automatically. You can also withdraw your investment if it has not been accepted by the trader.

Can I take my profit not withdrawing the investment?

Yes, you can. In order to receive part of the profit, request a rollover. This option is available in the Investments section of PAMM Cabinet. This option is active only for profitable investments. Both PAMM trader and PAMM investor can use the option.

What is rollover in InstaForex PAMM system?

Rollover is an option that allows taking profit not withdrawing the investment. When the rollover is activated, a PAMM investor and a PAMM trader receive their profit according to the profit allocation ratio.

Is it possible for a PAMM trader to deactivate the PAMM service (remove account from the monitoring list)?

In Client Cabinet you can activate the Remove Account from Monitoring function that deletes an account from monitoring. If you want to register in InstaForex PAMM system as a different user (for example, PAMM investor instead of PAMM trader, or vice versa), just open a new account. A client can register an unlimited number of accounts with InstaForex.

Can I invest a bonus in a PAMM trader account?

No, you cannot invest bonus funds in PAMM.

Which personal data of a PAMM trader is available to a PAMM investor?

A PAMM investor can see the following information about the PAMM trader in Monitoring on default: account number, project name, ICQ and YM, and the name and email of a trader if he shows it. Additional information is available after investing.

Which personal data of a PAMM investor is available to a PAMM trader?

A PAMM trader sees the account number of the investor, his phone number and email registered in the PAMM system.

Can a PAMM trader account get a bonus?

No, a PAMM trader can't get a bonus.

Can an account with a bonus be registered as PAMM trader account? And what is the destiny of the bonus?

An account with a bonus can be registered as PAMM trader account. The bonus will not be cancelled and will be recorded as PAMM trader's funds.

If an investor replenishes his account, receives bonus and then invests funds, will the bonus be cancelled?

The Welcome bonus can't be invested.

Where an investor can see the commission rate set by the trader?

In Monitoring. If his investment request was accepted, the trader commission rate will also available in the My Investments section of PAMM Cabinet.

When will the money deposited by an account holder be displayed on the PAMM accounts monitoring list?

On average, it will be seen in an hour on a chart and in 5-10 minutes on the monitoring list.

Does a partner receive an affiliate commission for trading of his client (who became a PAMM trader) with the invested funds?

Yes, according to the normal procedure.

How the loss is divided between the trader and investor? Proportionate to their shares participating in trading or in accordance with the profit allocation?

The loss is divided proportionate to the investor and trader shares in the account. Trader commission rate is not important in this case.

Is it possible that profitability statistics of a PAMM project displayed on the widget might not coincide with data in the PAMM monitoring list?

Different widgets are available to InstaForex clients. For example, there are widgets which display profitability statistics of PAMM projects in terms of balance and equity whereas the monitoring list with PAMM account statistics show only equity data.

How often is the information in widgets of PAMM projects updated?

Statistic data in widgets of PAMM projects is updated once an hour. Therefore, there is a small lag between the data displayed on the widget and the data on the monitoring list.

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